National Pedestrian Accident Attorneys
Helping You Hold Negligent Drivers Accountable
Our cities are built for cars, not pedestrians, which means those on foot are more likely to be injured. When accidents between vehicles and pedestrians happen, a driver may hardly suffer any consequences. Pedestrians, however, can sustain serious, even life-threatening injuries.
Drivers who endanger pedestrians must be held accountable for their negligence. By law, those injured by another’s careless actions have the right to recover full compensation for their losses. We do our part to help injured pedestrians enforce that rule so they can access the treatment they need. If their injuries are unlikely to ever fully heal, we fight to secure compensation to help them face future expenses and challenges related to an accident.
Athea Trial Lawyers is known for handling the most serious and complex pedestrian accident claims. If you are looking for a tough law firm to take your side after you or a loved one was injured, we want to hear from you.
Call us at (800) 664-0161 from anywhere in the nation to schedule a free consultation with one of our pedestrian accident attorneys. We’re here to help people like you find justice.
Risk Factors in Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian accidents have been steadily becoming more serious over the past few decades, which is bad news for anyone who leaves home on foot. Though not all the risk factors in pedestrian accidents can be directly translated into more compensation for a victim, it’s important to know the dangers on our streets for the sake of safety.
Driver inattention is, of course, the cause of many pedestrian accidents. Drivers tend to scan for objects that are around the same size as their vehicles, and they may completely overlook a pedestrian until it is too late. Even drivers who look once may miss someone if they don’t double-check before making a turn or driving through an intersection. Pedestrians, because of their size, are more likely to be hidden in blind spots or by other vehicles or obstacles.
Negligent drivers may be the biggest risk factor for accidents, but a pedestrian’s injuries will be affected by two major variables: vehicle size/type and speed.
As SUVs and crossovers have become more popular, pedestrian injuries have gotten worse because of the type of hit. Where coupes and sedans typically collide with a pedestrian’s legs or hips, a taller vehicle is more likely to hit the abdomen. Broken legs or dislocations are serious, but nowhere near as dangerous as the internal injuries that might happen when vital organs are in the line of impact. Bigger cars also weigh more, which means more force goes into these collisions—two big reasons for serious injuries.
Speed is the second deciding factor of how serious a pedestrian accident will be. If a driver hits someone on foot while traveling 25 mph, that person is likely to be injured, but survive. If the driver is instead traveling 45 mph, their victim is overwhelmingly likely to die on impact. As some areas have loosened speed restrictions, sometimes without adding countermeasures to keep pedestrians separate from fast-moving cars, serious injuries and fatalities have become more likely. Speeding is almost always a factor in serious car accidents, and the same is true in pedestrian accidents.
Why does your lawyer need to know this? When it comes to filing a claim, your injuries may be questioned and your narrative of how the accident caused them challenged by an insurance adjuster. Using hard evidence regarding issues like vehicle size and driver speed, our attorneys can demonstrate how a collision can injure a pedestrian so badly, making them eligible to recover significant damages. This is one of the benefits working with an experienced team of trial lawyers brings to your case.
Pedestrian Hit-and-Runs
Another growing concern is the prevalence of hit-and-run accidents. According to a survey by the AAA Traffic Foundation, in less than a decade, hit-and-run fatalities rose 60%. The majority of the deaths were pedestrians and bicyclists. Because these are the two categories of road users most likely to be seriously injured in a collision with a car or truck, they are also the two groups who fare worst when the driver does not stop to call for help.
Though finding the perpetrator of a hit-and-run is difficult, it may be possible with the right law firm on your side. Police are motivated to solve these cases as well, and our lawyers are ready to partner with them to get answers for our clients. If you cannot find the individual who injured you, our attorneys can help you explore other options for compensation, like filing a claim with your own uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Your options depend on your situation, and we can discuss them with you during a free consultation.
An Attorney Can Make Your Pedestrian Accident Case Stronger
Accident victims wondering if they need a lawyer to file a claim should know that having one is not mandatory, but especially after a serious accident, can make a significant difference in the outcome. We advise those considering a claim to at least take advantage of a free consultation offer to learn how a law firm can help them. Here are some of the ways we make our clients’ claims run more smoothly.
Investigating Your Accident
Having evidence of an accident’s causes can remove the difficulty of trying to convince jurors in a he-said, she-said situation. However, it takes time to find all potential sources of evidence and gather or preserve them. Most injury victims are not able to complete this step before evidence disappears. Having a proven law firm on your side means knowing someone is doing the work to find evidence for your claim.
Calculating Your Full Damages
Medical bills are often a small part of the damages an injury victim faces, but they may be the bulk of an insurance adjuster’s settlement offer. To ensure you do not accept an unfair settlement, your lawyer must sit down and exhaustively review medical records and reports. They must understand the nuances of your diagnosis and expected recovery path, so they can help you plan for a future that may be different than the life you lived before. Our attorneys have won several multi-million dollar settlements because we took the time to fully assess and prove our clients’ damages.
Handling Insurance Negotiations and Litigation
Trying to get an insurance adjuster to agree to a fair settlement can feel like a full-time job, and we know patients do not have the time or energy to handle the process. Our attorneys are ready to step in: Not only can we take over communications so you don’t have to worry about them, but we can also watch for common turns of phrase insurance adjusters use to trick you into “admitting fault.” When insurers don’t deal fairly with us, we are not afraid to litigate our client’s claims in court.
We’re On Your Side
Injured pedestrians deserve an advocate when it comes to finding justice after an accident. Our team at Athea Trial Lawyers can be yours. With decades of combined experience and an impressive show of results, we are confident we have the skill to handle even the most serious pedestrian accident claims. Our lawyers know the science, know how to argue in court, and know what it takes to win for our clients.
We understand working with a lawyer after a bad injury can seem like a stressor of its own, which is why we do what we can to make the process easier for you. Our attorneys are here to offer their compassion and support. We care about each of our clients as individuals, and our first step is always taking the time to get to know each person, their needs, and their goals. If you are ready to take that step, contact us at any time.
Call Athea Trial Lawyers at (800) 664-0161 for a free consultation with one of our pedestrian accident attorneys. We take cases nationwide.

Billions Recovered For Our Clients*
A Proven Record Of Success-
Defamation $366M
An interventional cardiologist sued a Hospital for defamation for engaging in a peer review process that was financially motivated.
Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Death $268.6M
Our client died at 13 years of age after the physicians caring for her administered too much of the sedation drug Propofol.
Traumatic Brain Injury $160.5M
Defective Hormone Replacement Therapy $134M
Jury verdict for three Nevada women who took Wyeth Pharmaceuticals to trial after they all developed breast cancer from taking defective hormone therapy drugs to alleviate menopausal symptoms.
Medical Fraud Verdict $105M
Robert Young, the father of the Alkaline Diet, and New York Times bestseller, and self-proclaimed doctor, promised to cure cancer with a strict alkaline diet and IV alkaline treatments.
Defective Hormone Therapy $78.7M
Jury verdict for our client that developed breast cancer from her use of post-menopausal hormone therapy drugs.
Wrongful Implant of Pacemaker $67.3M
This case exposed a conspiracy between a pacemaker manufacturer and a corrupt doctor to implant pacemakers and defibrillators into patients who did not need them.
Asbestos Mesothelioma $55.5M
Truck Collision Injuries $36.4M
Amputation of Leg $34.5M

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Athea Trial Lawyers is a firm comprised of six of the most accomplished female trial attorneys in the nation. We don’t believe in glass ceilings and we don’t just lean in – we take the lead and WIN.

What People Are Saying About Athea Trial Lawyers**
“This is a brain-trust like no other I have seen in the legal field. I would trust these lawyers - and would welcome their help - in any case or trial.”
- Rick Friedman
Friedman | Rubin, PLLP, Bremerton, WA -
“Just like Athea, the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, strength, law and justice, the women who have founded this great organization exemplify those qualities.”
- Mary Alexander
Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C -
“We all need what Athea Trial Lawyers offers: great trial lawyers whose creativity and out-of-the-box ideas are game changers.”
- W. Mark Lanier
The Lanier Law Firm, Houston -
“These are among the brightest, most creative, and hard-working trial lawyers I know–and, in joining together, they have assembled an unstoppable dream team.”
- Ben Rubinowitz
Gair Gair Conason -
“Women are an invaluable resource at trial and so important to our legal profession. The jurors need to hear a compelling story at trial–and telling that winning story is what Athea Trial Lawyers do.”
- Brian J. Panish
Panish Shea & Boyle LLP

Our Mission
In the legal profession and at trial, women are stepping out of the shadows and into the spotlight.-
We provide unparalleled legal representation to our clients.
We build a winning case through expert storytelling and experience.
We work with other attorneys to obtain the highest verdicts or settlements at any stage.
We fund, support, mentor and promote female trial attorneys to take lead roles in prominent cases.
We find creative ways to tell your case story with memorable, eye-catching graphics and demonstratives with Slide Girl.
We look beyond the walls of traditional brick and mortar law firms to promote and advance women in our courtrooms.
We create and promote workshops for our peers to craft the perfect approach in trial.
We invest in the future of others to create monumental change.